Elevate Your Impact and Income as a Care-Solutions Coach

Build your coaching confidence in an accredited training program starting July 11, 2024!


Care-Solutions Certification

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If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

- african proverb

People who seek life coaching certifications are from diverse backgrounds…

  • Current Coaches Seeking Professional Development

  • Educators and Academic Advisors

  • Corporate Professionals

  • Spiritual and Community Leaders

  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth

  • Career Changers

  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

  • Aspiring Life Coaches

You're ready to certify if...

  • Awareness of Limiting Beliefs:

    Recognizing that you have ideas and goals, but are hindered by self-doubt or limiting beliefs, is a crucial first step. A coaching certification can equip you with tools to identify and challenge these beliefs, both in yourself and in future clients.

  • Desire to Overcome Personal Barriers:

    Your acknowledgment of these limiting beliefs suggests a willingness to grow and overcome personal barriers, a key trait in an effective life coach.

  • Seeking Tools for Change:

    By identifying a gap between your ideas and your actions, you show an understanding that you need new strategies and tools to facilitate change – skills that a life coaching certification can provide.

  • Empathy for Others Facing Similar Challenges:

    Your personal experience with being 'stuck' due to limiting beliefs can foster empathy and understanding for clients who may face similar challenges, enhancing your effectiveness as a coach.

  • Motivation for Personal and Professional Growth:

    The realization that your beliefs are holding you back indicates a readiness to pursue both personal and professional growth through a certification program.

  • Readiness to Apply Learning to Real-life Situations:

    If you are eager to apply new skills and knowledge to move beyond your current limitations, this practical application mindset is crucial for successfully transitioning into life coaching.

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  • Transformation through Empathy:

    "We believe that at the foundation of effective coaching lies the power of empathy. By truly understanding and connecting with clients on a deep level, a coach can facilitate meaningful and lasting transformation."

    Growth-Focused Partnerships:

    "Coaching is a partnership aimed at relentless growth. We hold that a coach's role is to walk alongside clients, providing the support and challenge necessary to help them step beyond their comfort zones and reach their highest potential."

    Sustainable Change via Autonomy:

    "I am convinced that sustainable change is fostered through empowering clients to build autonomy. Coaches should strive to develop clients' self-awareness and self-belief, enabling them to become the architects of their own lives."



    This program is about you as a coach, focusing on your health, mindset, and ability to empower others to be healthy.


    Most programs tend to concentrate on the weaknesses, issues, and shortcomings of their clients and work towards fixing them. However, this program adopts a different approach that focuses on their strengths instead, both yours and your client's. By learning to perceive your client in a positive light, you will be better equipped to empower them to be their true selves - which is great!

    Ministry Accreditation,

    Universal Application

    Ministry here refers to service, not church. This certification is non-religious but based on the Bible and the Golden Rule.

    The tools gained in this program transcend religion, background, race, sexuality, opinion, etc. It addresses the heart of a person, focusing exclusively on the way they think.

    Works with Everything

    Whether you just want to better serve where you are, advance your career, or looking to launch a life coaching business, our certification will help you be ready and effective and go further than you've ever thought possible.

    The principles of CARE work in conjunction with everything else you’ve learned - your formal training and education, life experiences, and wisdom gained - only making it that much better.

    An Investment into Your Future

    Yes, there are free programs out there. And shorter! You are welcome to try them. But for quality tools that work and a difference that lasts, you have come to the right place. This investment into your future will reap you returns for years to come. Guaranteed.

  • Our program promises to provide you with:

    Comprehensive Skills and Knowledge: Gain in-depth insights and practical tools in holistic wellness, leadership, and effective communication tailored to enhance your capabilities in both personal and professional spheres.

    Personalized Learning Experience: We offer a learning environment that respects and adapts to your busy schedule, ensuring that your educational journey is both manageable and fulfilling.

    Growth Beyond Limitations: Our curriculum is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs, empowering you to realize your full potential in guiding and inspiring others.

    Ongoing Support and Community: Join a network of like-minded individuals where you can share, learn, and grow together, providing a supportive backdrop to your journey as a life coach.

    A Transformational Journey: We promise a transformation not just in your professional life but in your personal development, equipping you to better serve your community and ministry with renewed vigor and perspective.

    Your dedication and resilience inspire us, and we pledge to support you every step of the way in achieving the profound impact you aspire to make."

  • Empower Others: Equip clients with the tools and confidence to make positive changes and overcome challenges in their personal and professional lives.

    Facilitate Growth: Foster personal development and self-discovery in others, helping them to realize and reach their full potential.

    Build Strong Relationships: Cultivate trust and rapport with clients, creating a supportive environment conducive to growth and transformation.

    Create Impactful Strategies: Develop personalized action plans that guide clients towards achieving their goals and sustaining success.

    Promote Well being: Encourage a holistic approach to health and wellness, enabling clients to maintain balance in all areas of life.

    Inspire Change: Become a catalyst for change by guiding clients through transitions and encouraging resilience.

    Enhance Communication: Teach clients effective communication skills to improve their relationships and professional interactions.

  • Break Out of the Box

    You already love helping others. You want to do more but are not sure how.

    Or you are frustrated watching those you try to help go back into destructive cycles.

    You wonder if there's a better way.

    No more wearing yourself out trying to be everything to everybody. You don't even have to have all the right answers someone needs to live their best life.

    You just have to listen.

    You just have to add CARE (Compassionate Accountability with Respect and Empathy).

    By adding the right tools to understand, relate, and empower others, you will:

    -Know for sure that the positive impact you're making lasts

    -Witness real change and results in the lives you help

    -Help break cycles of dependency and habits that prohibit one's life's purpose

    -Empower others the way you dreamt you could

  • Professional Certification: Gain a recognized credential that validates your expertise and dedication to the coaching profession.

    Empowerment Tools: Learn cutting-edge techniques to not only improve your own practice but also to empower your clients to achieve their goals.

    Community Access: Become part of a supportive community that fosters networking, collaboration, and peer support.

    Career Advancement: Open doors to new opportunities and niche markets within the coaching industry.

    Personal Growth: Grow personally as you journey through our programs, developing not just as a coach but as an individual.

    Continuous Learning: Benefit from ongoing educational resources to keep your skills up-to-date in an ever-evolving field.

    Business Support: Receive guidance on how to establish and grow your own coaching business.

  • You will strengthen your credibility by receiving certification through a program backed by support.


    Created and developed by Amethyst Roberson in collaboration with Drs. Chris and Carol Green (Hon.Causa), the CARE-Ready® Life Coach Certification program, C and C Connections, and Step Forward Life Institute (an affiliate of United Graduate College and Seminary International).

    1 C and C Connections - CARE-Ready® Model and Method Creators

    2 Step Forward Life Institute – Facilitators, Accreditations

    3 United Graduate College and Seminary International - Credentialing Institution

  • See the Process





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